Harlo Mayne (2nd from left) receives his Innovator of the Year Award from Jamaica’s Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, at the ceremony in November, 2014.
Harlo Mayne, Owner
Clean energy has come a long way since 1997, and we like to think we’ve played a small role in that growth. See the difference we’re making together with our customers.
As in inventor, Harlo Mayne has always been a passionate advocate of environmental initiatives, and believes that Renewable and sustainable energies should be cost-efficient, planet-friendly, and more popular.
As far back as in 2002, Harlo started in the research and redevelopment of new types of ultra-powerful wind turbine technologies. He made the switch to green energy for today’s vehicle after the massive oil spike in 2008. Today, we’re still 100% dedicated to protecting the environment, and we invite you to join us!
About 250 million vehicles are in use in the United States. There were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road worldwide in 2007, consuming over 260 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel, and emitting thousands of tons of harmful emissions yearly.
Arguably, urban transport systems based around the car have proved unsustainable, consuming excessive energy, adversely affected the health of populations, and delivered a declining level of service despite increasing investments.
Many of these negative impacts fall disproportionately on those social groups who are also least likely to own and drive cars.
The sustainable transport movement focuses on solutions to these problems. The Average driver spends US$706 a month on vehicle expenses AAA found that the average driver spends 10.26 cents per mile on fuel, or $1,539 per year when driving 15,000 miles annually.
Pickups had the highest fuel costs at 13.88 cents per mile, or $2,082 a year. AAA also estimated that the average driver spends 7.91 cents per mile—$1,186.50 a year—on regular maintenance, repairs, and new tires. Maintenance costs were highest for large sedans at an estimated 8.44 cents per mile, or $1,266 a year. (Source:Theday.com).
The H2-Flex will cut the average driver’s US$706 a month bill down to around US$320 per month in both fuel and maintenance cost. As such, the H2-Flex will pay for itself in a little over 3 month’s time.